Monday, December 6, 2010

Free Vintage Clip Art - Folk Art Santa

Sorry no post yesterday, but it wasn't for my lack of trying!  When I tried to put up a post all of my buttons were gone!  Oh no!  I searched all day yesterday and most of today trying to figure out where all my buttons went.  Alas, I figured it out but the whole process has been very frustrating. 

Well better late than never I always say, here is a fun and colorful folk art Santa.

Click on image to download
Folk art is generally considered to be art created by people who are not trained in art, in other words, self taught.  I guess I am drawn to the whimsical nature of folk art, the exaggeration of the obvious and where the rules don't apply.

In contrast to the folk art Santa above here is a more traditional Santa.

Click on image to download

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