Friday, March 18, 2011

Free Vintage Clip Art - Please Help Rescue the Pets of Japan


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Just before 10 pm on March 10th my son came running out of his room and told me to turn on CNN and my television has been tuned to CNN almost constantly since.  The enormity of the earthquake, tsunami and subsequent nuclear disaster in Japan is difficult to wrap my brain around. 

But last night Anderson Cooper brought us a very short story about the tsunami dogs that particularly grabbed my attention and in just one day the story has gone viral and has touched many others as well.

For those of you who are not familiar with the story:

A reporter covering the earthquake and tsunami was in a village that had virtually been leveled and came across two poor and bewildered dogs living amongst the rubble that had once been their home.  One dog was injured and laying down.  The reporter attempted to get the uninjured dog into his vehicle but he would not leave his injured friend.  And during the filming the injured dog tried to get up and his friend leaned over him, put his paw on him and licked his head.  The reporter was so touched by these dogs he did a piece on it. 

Today, CNN did a longer piece on this touching story and the video has now gone viral.  You can find the video here.
This sweet, sweet story got me to thinking:  What about all of the pets who managed to survive the disaster?  As a pet owner and lover I know that if my life was suddenly taken in a natural disaster and my pets managed to survive I would hope that someone would rescue and care for them.  So I found the site mentioned in the CNN piece, they are called the Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support.

It is a coalition of three existing animal rescue organizations that have been operating in Japan for years. They also have a Facebook page that they update constantly with every discovery and rescue they make.

I have put a box on this blog to make it easy for you to donate, if you are so inclined.  It is on the top left side of this blog.  It will remain there until at least April 11th.  The box is updated regularly so you can see how many people have donated and how much money has been donated.  The donation button will take you to the secure PayPal site where you will actually make the donation.

I am not associated in any way with this organization nor will I benefit in any way from donations made, but I do know they are making a difference and doing wonderful work in helping our animal friends in need in Japan under the worst conditions imaginable.  This is only about the pets who have lost their families and are now scared, alone, cold and hungry and cannot take care of themselves.  I made a donation tonight myself.

To all of my readers in Japan:  

My thoughts and prayers are with you, hang in there.

If you make a donation please let me know so I can give you a shout out!

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