Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Free Vintage Clip Art - Spring Tulips

Spring Tulips

Yes spring is finally here!  Yea!  I am seeing beautiful flowers and trees blooming everywhere.  So many beautiful colors and I have really missed color over these last few months.

One of the first bloomers is the tulip and tulips are not just red any more.  They come in every color you can think of.  Most of us think of the Netherlands when we think of tulips.  The Netherlands produce up to 3 million tulip bulbs a year but the tulip actually originated in the Ottoman Empire - Turkey!  I had no idea.

The word tulip actually derived from a Persian word that meant turban.  It is believed that the first tulips grown in the United States was in and around Salem, Massachusetts in the mid 1800's.

Here are some lovely examples of tulips:

Click on image to download

Click on image to download

I hope you enjoy these lovely little faces of spring!

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