Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Free Vintage Clip Art - Vintage Men and Women Vingettes

Beautiful Vintage Couple Vignettes

Today is beautiful couple day!  

Was there really ever a time when people actually dressed like this?  Where women looked feminine and the men looked dapper?  When people actually dressed appropriately for the occasion and took pride in their appearance? 

I think it had a lot to do with respect - respect for themselves and respect for others.  Shame is also a big part of it, I think.  There is no shame any more.  There doesn't appear to be any shame for our actions.  In fact, it seems to me, and there is example after example of this, the worst kind of person you are and worst kind of behavior you engage in, the more you are rewarded in our society!  There used to be a clear right and wrong and if you did wrong society would shun you.

Today there seems to be a competition on bad behavior.  Because you have to be more outrageous to get attention.  What a shame.  I for one would love to see the return of both respect and shame!

When I look at these images I am reminded that there was a time when we actually respected ourselves and one another.  The appearance we present to the world says volumes about what we think of ourselves as well as others.

Anyway, you can look at these images and be taken back to a time when proper actually meant something!

Click on image to download

This couple looks like they may be having their portrait painted

Click on image to download


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