Monday, July 25, 2011

Free Vintage Clip Art - Vintage Leo the Lion Astrological Signs

Leo the Lion is the most dominant of all of the zodiac signs.

Positive traits of the Leo:

Generous & warmhearted
Creative & enthusiastic
Broad minded 
Faithful & loving

Negative Leo traits:

 Pompous & patronizing
Bossy & interfering
Arrogant & intolerant

Leo likes:

Lavish living 
Pagentry & grandeur

Leo Dislikes:

 Doing things safely
Ordinary day to day living
Small minded people
Penny pinching
Mean spiritedness

Words that could be used to describe a Leo:

Vain Pretentious

Leo is very independent but needs something to control and someone to admire and appreciate them.  Leo prefers to not be alone and loves an audience and a group of admirers who look up to them.

Leo is extremely sensitive but hide it very well.  They love praise and admiration and their egos demand respect and adoration.  It's all about pride with the Leo.

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The Leo in my life matches this description to a tea!


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