Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Random Objects and Blog Giveaway

Don't forget about our blog giveaway - $25 credit good for anything (excluding their collectibles section) at Russian Soul Vintage.

Russian Soul Vintage has some wonderful vintage Russian postcards, check them out!

Here are the rules:  

1.  Follow this blog, if you aren't already a follower.
2.  Leave a comment on this post, leaving your email address so I can contact you.
3.  Visit Russian Soul Vintage's etsy shop and add them to your favorites.
4.  Follow them on Twitter - @ RusSoulVintage

The contest ends Sunday, September 11th at midnight PST.

Good luck!

Today I have a couple of random objects for you.  The first one is a lovely window.

Click on image to download

And a table top embroidery hoop.

Click on image to download

Can't you just image a woman sitting next to this window embroidering the day away?


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