Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Free Vintage Clip Art - Vintage Sewing Machine

I thought you might enjoy this vintage sewing machine

Click on image to download

Oh gosh, wouldn't you love to own this beauty?  I can only image that the lucky lady that did own this felt very lucky indeed!

Maybe this is her at this very machine...

 Click on image to download

We are so spoiled today with all of our fancy, spiffy tools and we forget that in days gone by quilting, sewing and embroidery was all done by hand and graphic art was created with one's own hand and a pencil or pen.

Even though our technology was made tremendous strides people have always found a way to be creative with what they had to work with.  Creativity is just part of our make up, the only difference now is that we can create a whole lot faster.

I am absolutely fascinated when I come across a vintage quilt or embroidered sampler knowing without a doubt that every stitch was created by hand and not a machine.


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